LGBTIQA+ communities

We are proud of our diverse community: comprising many cultures, beliefs, abilities, bodies, sexualities, ages and genders. We are committed to access, equity and rights for everyone.

Our Inclusive Banyule Plan 2022-2026 acknowledges that our LGBTIQA+ community faces higher levels of discrimination than other community members, and that we play a role in promoting inclusivity and diversity.

Read the plan

We are committed to fighting discrimination, celebrating our diverse community and ensuring that our community is a safe and welcoming place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and asexual (LGBTIQA+) residents.

About this community

Data collection on sexuality, sex and gender expression is minimal in Australia. Organisations such as the Bureau of Statistics does not ask explicit questions about these aspects of human identity.

However, we know the LGBTIQA+ community makes up a significant portion of our population. According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, up to 11% of Australians may have a diverse sexual orientation, sex or gender identity.

In 2017, 6% of Victorian adults identified as LGBTIQA+. Poor data collection techniques and fear of discrimination lead to under representation in available data.

80% of LGBTIQA+ Victorians have witnessed or experienced homophobia on the sports field.

A greater percentage of LGBTIQA+ residents experience violence and discrimination as compared to our whole population.

24% of young LGBTIQA+ people in Victoria have experienced homelessness.

24% of LGBTIQA+ Victorian adults experience high or very high levels of psychological distress, compared with 14.5% of CIS-gender heterosexual adults.

This data has been sourced from Pride in our future: Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ Strategy 2022–32 , Your Health: Report of the Chief Health Officer, Victoria 2018  and Proud 2 Play: Advocating for LGBTQI+ Inclusion in Sports & Recreation across Australia.

How we can help

We provide a range of services and facilities that support the whole community. We hold free local events; provide spaces like libraries, swimming pools, parks and sporting grounds; help local businesses and provide services for the community.

Events and days to celebrate

  • Midsumma (January-February)
  • Trans Day of Visibility (31 March)
  • International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex Discrimination and Transphobia International (IDAHOBIT) (17 May)
  • Pride Month (June)
  • Wear it Purple Day (last Friday in August)
  • Bisexuality Awareness Day (23 September)
  • International Lesbian Day (8 October)
  • International Pronouns Day (3rd Wednesday in October)
  • ACE Awareness Week (October)
  • Intersex Awareness Day (26 October)
  • Trans Day of Remembrance (20 November)
  • World AIDS Day (1 December)

Contact us

For more information, contact Sherryn Prinzi on 9457 9908 or at