Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Plan

Our plan outlines our commitment to past and current Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities. It addresses barriers faced and fosters opportunities for participation and involvement.

The implementation and review of the plan is overseen by BATSIAC: the Banyule Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.

Read the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Plan 2017-2021

Reconciliation action plan

Developments are underway to draft a plan in consultation with our Aboriginal community members and other stakeholders.

It will include key organisational goals and objectives applicable to our ATSI plan, and outcomes will be measured and evaluated in consultation with our Aboriginal community partners.

An inclusive, accessible and equitable community

The plan engages our Inclusion, Access and Equity Framework (IAEF), and identifies 5 goals.

  1. Ensure that our facilities, activities and services are accessible, inclusive and equitable.
  2. Work in partnership with local services to increase inclusion and address services gaps.
  3. Work in partnership to build the capacity of disadvantaged groups to be involved community life.
  4. Educate, celebrate and increase awareness in building an inclusive and equitable community.
  5. Advocate on behalf of and with our community to reduce discrimination and disadvantage.