Olympic Leisure terms and conditions

Banyule Leisure, including Aquatic Centre, Olympic Leisure Centre and Nets Stadium, form part of Banyule City Council.

Smoking/vaping is prohibited on all of our premises.

Memberships and passes

Complete package

This membership entitles the member access to the gym, health consultations and follow up appointments, wet and dry group fitness classes, use of our pools, spa and sauna and complimentary locker rental. Full fee, seniors and concession rates apply.


This membership entitles the member access to our wet areas only including pools, spa and sauna and complimentary locker rental. The aquatic membership does not include access to aqua aerobics classes. Full fee and concession rates apply.

PHIT (Promoting health in teens)

Our PHIT membership is available to those aged 13-15 (inclusive) and entitles the member access to the gym, health consultations and follow up appointments, wet and dry Group Fitness classes (excluding body pump, body step and core group fitness classes), use of our pools and complimentary locker rental. A parent/guardian must be present at membership sign up and must also attend the health consultation and first work out.

When the member turns 16 years of age, the membership will be required to transfer to a complete package concession membership.

To qualify for a concession or senior’s membership rate, suitable current qualifying identification must be presented to staff at membership sign up. If the expiry date of a concession card falls within 2 weeks at sign up, a future concession card must be presented at sign up to be eligible for the concession membership, and within two weeks of any expiry and/or audit date.

To be eligible for the senior’s membership rate, the member must hold a current Victorian Seniors card. We do not participate in the Seniors Business Discount card program. If suitable proof of concession or seniors entitlement cannot be produced, your membership will revert to a full fee membership rate until such time as a current concession card is produced.

A person aged 16-17 years is eligible for the concession membership rate. Online membership sign-up via Xplor recreation is now available. If the signee holds a current valid concession or seniors card, they must present the card in person upon visiting the centre, or send an electronic copy to us (at leisure.enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au) before the concession rate will be eligible to purchase online. Any payments made by the member online will not be refunded if the incorrect fee has been selected.

Facility access

  • Access to all available facilities and membership entitlements specific to the membership type held is reserved for sole use by the person named on the contract/membership.
  • Access bands/cards must be produced at reception or turnstile gates upon entering our facilitie. If your access band/card cannot be produced at time of entry, suitable identification may be requested prior to entry. Management reserve the right to refuse entry.
  • A profile photo will be taken at reception upon membership sign up and attached to your membership account/profile for future identification.
  • Members who require a replacement membership band will incur an administration fee for each replacement membership band.
  • Members who sign up online through Xplor recreation must present themselves at reception on their first visit to be allocated an RFID wristband or access card and have their profile photo taken for identification when attending the centre.

Suspension and cancellation conditions

  • All membership suspension or cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via our website request form or via email.
  • Suspension requests must be made at least 2 days prior to the suspension start date.
  • Direct debit and 12-month up front members are entitled to 42 days (6 weeks) complimentary suspension allowance per calendar year. 3- and 6-month up front members are entitled to 7 and 21 days respectively per calendar year.
  • Visit passes and memberships under 3 months are not entitled to a complimentary suspension allowance.
  • Additional suspension periods can be purchased in blocks of 1 week, beyond the included complimentary period per calendar year for eligible memberships at $5.00 per 7-day period.
  • Medical suspensions are free of charge upon presentation of a medical certificate that covers all requested dates of suspension. Medical suspensions need to be processed with the medical suspension request and relevant medical certificate emailed to us.
  • Medical certificates may be presented on your return and a backdated suspension will be applied. Membership fees paid during this time will be credited to future payments or your client profile for future use. Payments are non-refundable.
  • All direct debit membership and learn to swim enrolment cancellations must be requested in writing via our manage membership form using the request form for Ivanhoe Aquatic or Olympic Leisure or via email to us.
  • Membership cancellations cannot be requested via the Xplor recreation client portal.
  • Direct debit cancellations require at least 2 weeks notice, equating to 1 full payment of your regular membership fee. Members are entitled to use the facility for the fortnight following the final payment, as per their membership conditions.
  • If applicable, any overdue or outstanding amounts, suspensions or adjustments to the payment schedule may delay your cancellation request. All overdue or outstanding amounts must be paid in full to finalise the membership and activate a cancellation date.
  • Upfront memberships and visit passes are non-refundable.
  • All cancellation and suspension requests via email are subject to approval and are only considered approved upon written confirmation from us. Please retain a copy of your request and the confirmation response for your records.
  • It is the member's responsibility to follow up all written requests, if a reply from Banyule Leisure is not received within 72 hours (3 days).


  • Memberships, if cancelled, must be renewed within a period of 30 days of their activated cancellation date to be considered a renewal. Any membership purchased outside this 30-day grace period is considered a non-continuous membership and therefore will be considered as a new membership contract.
  • All new memberships will incur the facility joining fee for the product being purchased.
  • If a change of membership type is requested, the change can only be brought into effect at the end of the next billing cycle. The joining fee does not apply to changes of membership type, as this is considered a continuous membership.

Visit passes

  • All visit passes expire 1 year after the purchase date, or when all visits have been used.
  • Visit passes are non-refundable. Credit towards a membership payment may be requested.
  • Personal training visit pass holders must present to reception to check-in for your training session before they start.
  • All facility visits must be registered by scanning in at reception or through entry gates. Deliberate failure to do so may result in future access being restricted or denied.


  • Access to facilities and membership entitlements is for sole use by the person named on the contract/membership.
  • It is the responsibility of the member to ensure all personal details are correct and kept up to date. This includes, but not limited to, contact and payment details.
  • We will contact the member via the supplied details. Please ensure supplied mobile number and email address are accurate, adding leisure.enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au to a safe senders list, to avoid important information being missed.
  • By entering our facilities, you agree to adhere to all conditions of entry, as displayed throughout the facilities.
  • Members are required to inform our staff (class instructor or gym instructor) of any change or existing physical condition that may impact their ability to exercise or participate.
  • All up front memberships are to be paid, in full, at the time of purchase, and offer a set duration of time in membership.

Direct debit

  • Direct debit membership and learn to swim enrolment agreements are between the membership holder and Banyule Leisure.
  • All direct debit memberships and learn to swim enrolment fees are debited in advance, for the following fortnight.
  • All memberships and enrolments will be debited fortnightly on Thursdays.
  • At the time of membership sign up, a pro-rata rate will be incurred. This charge will be added to your first fortnightly payment, in addition to the joining fee and relevant membership rate.
  • Suspensions or amendments to memberships and enrolments may create a pro-rata amount, which may be debited on its own, or combined with the next scheduled fortnightly payment.
  • It is the responsibility of the member to ensure all financial details are correct and kept up to date and that there are sufficient funds on debit day to prevent unsuccessful payments. In the event of an unsuccessful or reversed payment, the member may be charged a $10.00 administration fee.
  • Financial details can be amended, if required, within your Xplor recreation customer portal or by speaking to customer service staff at either Ivanhoe Aquatic or Olympic Leisure.
  • A 7-day cooling off period applies for all direct debit membership contracts established with Banyule Leisure.

A breach of conditions of entry or conditions of membership, or failure to follow staff instructions at any time while using the facilities can result in the immediate suspension or cancellation of your membership at the discretion of Management.

Reference will be made to Banyule City Council Local Law No. 1 2005 in any area of dispute not directly covered by the above conditions. Management reserve the right to alter or amend the terms and conditions of any membership without notice.

Entry and use of facilities

These conditions apply to all facilities managed by Banyule Leisure including Ivanhoe Aquatic, Olympic Leisure and Banyule NETS Stadium. If you do not understand any of the conditions listed below, it is important that you consult with an employee of Banyule Leisure.


  • Children under the age 16 are not permitted in the gym or a group fitness class unless they hold a current PHIT membership.
  • Photography and filming/recording are not permitted within the facilities unless prior approval has been arranged and confirmed in writing with Banyule Leisure.
  • No glass containers/bottles are permitted to be brought into the facilities at any time.
  • Bicycles are not permitted inside any of our facilities. Please use the storage racks allocated outside the centres.
  • Complimentary lockers are provided for use for all members. We accept no responsibility for any personal property lost, stolen or damaged.

Usage conditions

  • Inappropriate behaviour or damage to property may result in suspension or cancellation of membership with no refund of fees or extension to membership terms.
  • Our facilities have zero tolerance for individuals under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. No person shall enter or remain in a facility while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, unless under medical supervision. Any matter where a member is suspected of abusing illegal substances will be referred to the police.
  • Smoking and/or vaping within the facility or grounds and within 4 metres of facility entry doors is strictly prohibited.
  • We recommend all personal belongings should be secured in lockers or pigeonholes provided at each facility. Lockers and pigeonholes are available free-of-charge to members. We accept no responsibility for any personal property lost, stolen or damaged.
  • Minimum dress codes apply in all areas and may include, but not limited to a singlet (crop-top), shorts (tights) and closed toe, exercise appropriate footwear in all fitness training areas. Denim is not permitted in the fitness training areas. For other areas, please see facility signage for more detail.
  • Members are to follow staff directions and instructions at all times including in emergencies.

Gym specific

  • Only eligible membership holders, fee-paying casual visitors and approved support workers/carers are permitted within the gym.
  • Only eligible membership holders are entitled to complimentary gym appointments (included within membership fees). Casual fee-paying users will incur an additional up-front fee for all appointments if required or requested.
  • All users must use the gym in accordance with the conditions of entry outlined on signage within the gym and follow the instructions of staff at all times.
  • We advise that all users should be aware of and work within their personal capabilities without supervision from a staff member. Please seek assistance prior to using new equipment and/or attempting new exercises.
  • All users must use a towel at all times on all equipment and use provided wipes to clean equipment after use.
  • Staff reserve the right to ask patrons to move on from particular pieces of equipment if all pieces of similar type are currently in use, and/or if patrons are waiting to use the equipment.
  • Bags and large items are not permitted on the gym floor. Members and casual users must use a locker, or the pigeonholes provided.
  • Participation in all gym appointments is voluntary. Any doubts or concerns should be raised with a gym instructor who will use all results to evaluate and design an appropriate exercise program. As part of some gym appointments, patrons will be asked personal medical questions and asked to perform a series of non-invasive fitness tests. These tests are only an indication of the patron's current health and fitness levels and help inform our staff when prescribing exercises.
  • Staff have no expertise in the field of medicine, nor are they trained to detect serious medical problems. Patrons are advised to consult their GP if at any stage, results from our fitness tests are a concern.
  • Patrons are required to inform a staff member of any change in physical condition (for example, pregnancy or injury) that may require a change in exercise intensity or prescription.

Group fitness specific

  • Each class requires a maximum number of participants to be set. Class maximum capacities will be strictly enforced by fitness instructors.
  • Entry to all classes will not be permitted after the scheduled class commencement time for participant safety, comfort and as a courtesy to other class patrons and staff.
  • Class patrons must book into classes online via your Xplor recreation client portal, or at reception prior to the class commencing.
  • Bookings can be made for classes 7 days in advance of the class start time within the Xplor recreation client portal.
  • Cancellation/withdrawal from a class will not entitle a casual patron or visit pass member to a refund for a pre-booked class.
  • We provide online wait lists for booked out classes. Out of courtesy for others on the waitlist, we encourage you to withdraw as early as possible from any pre-booked class if you can no longer attend.
  • Instructors are required to take attendance of all patrons in their class.
  • Bags and personal belongings are not permitted on the floor of our studios. Members and casual visitors must use a locker or the storage systems provided within our studios.
  • Patrons are to use the Group equipment and facilities in accordance with the conditions of entry outlined in the group fitness areas.
  • All class participants must use a towel at all times on all equipment and use provided wipes to clean equipment after use.
  • Management reserves the right to alter the Group Fitness timetable without notice. All reasonable communication will be provided as soon as possible for any changes made.

Aquatic specific

  • Our facilities adhere to the Watch Around Water (WAW) policies, as outlined by Life Saving Victoria.
  • Children aged 0-4 are to be accompanied into the facility and the water by a responsible adult, aged 18 or older, at all times. The responsible adult must stay within arm’s reach of the child during recreational play activities.
  • Children aged 5-9 years old are to be accompanied into the facility by a responsible adult, aged 18 or older. The responsible adult must constantly and actively be supervising the child or children at all times.
  • Children aged 0-4 years must wear a pink WAW wristband and children aged 5-9 years must wear a yellow WAW wristband.
  • For further WAW conditions of entry, please refer to facility signage and/or consult with pool lifeguards or Aquatic staff.
  • Ensure children requiring nappies are wearing an appropriately fitted aqua nappy.
  • Shower before entering the pool, spa or sauna.
  • Diving is not permitted unless participating in a swimming lesson directed by staff.
  • Photography is not permitted without prior management consent.
  • Private swim lessons conducted separate to our Learn to Swim program are not permitted without prior management consent.
  • Suitable swimwear is the required dress code for all aquatic program areas. For reasons of public hygiene, other items of clothing may only be worn in aquatic areas with the approval of the centre manager.
  • Management reserve the right to refuse entry and use of facilities or equipment for any reason.
  • In the event of an emergency, follow the lifeguards' directions and instructions at all times.

Sauna specific

  • The sauna is a super-heated environment. It is recommended that patrons do not use the sauna space for more than 15 minutes at a time.
  • Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to use the sauna.
  • Shower before entry.
  • Sauna users must sit on a dry towel at all times.
  • Lying down or exercising inside the sauna is not permitted.
  • Use of oils, creams on skin is not permitted in the area.
  • Do not pour oils/water on sauna heater elements.
  • Mobile phones/devices are not permitted in the spa and sauna area.
  • Do not use sauna if you suffer from heart conditions or are pregnant.
  • In the event of an emergency, follow the lifeguards' directions and instructions at all times.
  • Management reserve the right to refuse entry and use of facilities or equipment for any reason.

Spa specific

  • The spa is a super-heated environment. It is recommended that patrons do not use the space for more than 15 minutes at a time.
  • Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to use the Spa.
  • Shower before entry.
  • Users are to keep their head above the spa waterline at all times.
  • Use of mobile phones/devices and/or books is not permitted in the spa and sauna area.
  • In the event of an emergency, follow the lifeguards' directions and instructions at all times.
  • Management reserve the right to refuse entry and use of facilities or equipment for any reason.

Personal training specific

  • Prior to a scheduled personal training session, the patron must present themselves to reception to check-in for the session.
  • A minimum of 12 hour’s notice must be given to your trainer directly for any cancellation of a session. However, in the event a trainer cannot be reached, please contact Ivanhoe Aquatic on 9490 7111 or Olympic Leisure on 9459 1193.
  • Less than 12 hours’ notice will result in forfeiture of that session and may be redeemed by the trainer. A make-up session will not be provided should the minimum 12 hour’s notice for a cancelled session not be adhered to.
  • Any missed session may be rescheduled on a mutually agreed upon time and date, provided a minimum of 12 hours’ notice has been given to your trainer for the missed session.
  • Please arrive on time to your session. Late arrival to your session/s may reduce the length of your session.

Further conditions

  • A breach of any condition of your membership or general facility conditions of use can result in the immediate suspension or cancellation of your membership at the discretion of management.
  • Reference will be made to Banyule City Council Local Law No. 1 2005 in any area of dispute not directly covered by the above conditions.
  • No clause or term in these conditions is intended to exclude the operation of any condition or warranty implied by the Trade Practices Act 1974 and any such claim or term, if any, shall be severable and of no force or effect.

Collection notice

To enable us to deliver services to you, we collect your personal information when you:

  • complete a membership, enrolment or user agreement
  • book or attend a class or personal training session
  • ask us for more information about a service or contact us with a question or feedback
  • take part in a survey
  • send an email to us
  • contact us directly via our Facebook page
  • swipe your membership or enrolment card at one of our facilities
  • are involved in or witness an incident
  • via CCTV footage when you are visiting a Banyule Leisure facility
  • when you use the MyWellness app.

The information we collect is based on the requirements of the membership, enrolment, or the service you’re engaging in. It is used to correspond with you about the services you receive, the services and programmes we offer, to improve services and for any other directly related purpose in accordance with our powers, functions and purposes under the Local Government Act 2020 and other relevant legislation.

Personal information may be released to a law enforcement agency in connection with a criminal offence or serious improper conduct.

If you choose not to provide your personal information, it may mean that a membership or enrolment is forfeited, or a service cannot be provided.

The types of personal information we collect may include:

  • name, date of birth, gender, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number, emergency contact name and phone number, health declaration and any requirements for disabled access.
  • credit/debit card information, bank account number or other banking information. Note we do not store your bank or credit card details on our web servers.
  • your visit history and participation in classes or personal training sessions.
  • your preferences for services or interests when you tell us what they are, or your assumed preferences, dependant on how you use our products and services.
  • your contacts with us, such as a note on your customer file, an email, feedback provided or other records of any contact you have with us.

The collection and handling of your personal information will be conducted in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

If you wish to access or alter any of the personal information you have supplied, please contact our Leisure team by calling us on 9490 7111 or at leisure.enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au


CCTV systems are in operation throughout our facilities for the purpose of enhancing staff and public health and safety and the protection of our assets. Footage will be used to investigate incidents and injuries relating to safety, suspected criminal activity and inappropriate behaviour contrary to entry guidelines.

Notice of CCTV is provided to people who attend our facilities in the form of:

  • in-facility signage
  • a publicised contact point on our website
  • conditions of entry
  • terms and conditions.

CCTV is recorded 24 hours a day at Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre, Olympic Leisure Centre and Nets Stadium. Footage is only accessed by authorised staff responsible for the operation of the system in accordance with operating procedures. Recordings are kept for approximately 30 days after which they are automatically overwritten.

Access to footage is only made available in relation to incidents under specific restrictions and requires approval from management.

Our Surveillance in Public Places Policy regulates the operation and management of our surveillance system.