We can only address disclosures that relate to Banyule Council.
Who to contact
If you want to make a disclosure about a Council staff member you can talk to our:
- Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator: Krysten Forte
- Public Interest Disclosure Officer: Linda Chapple
- Manager or supervisor if you are a Banyule staff member
- Manager or supervisor of the person who is the subject of the disclosure.
Public interest disclosures about councillors of Banyule Council can only be made to IBAC or the Ombudsman.
Disclosing to the IBAC
You can make a disclosure by:
- completing the IBAC secure online form
- download a complaint form from IBAC and return by email, fax or post, or
- telephone IBAC on 1300 735 135 to request a form be sent to you.
Disclosing to the Ombudsman
The Ombudsman's office requires that you contact them first to discuss your disclosure, to determine if the disclosure should be made directly to them or to the IBAC. Call 1800 806 314.
How to make a disclosure to Council
You can make a disclosure to our officers:
- verbally
- in writing
- electronically
- anonymously
To find out more about our Public Interest Disclosures procedures(PDF, 1MB), or to arrange a confidential meeting, call:
Linda Chapple
Manager Governance and Integrity
9490 4275
Penny O'Connor
Coordinator Governance and Integrity
9490 4396
Mail: Confidential and Private, Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator, PO Box 94 Greensborough VIC 3088