Public transparency

We are committed to good governance, open and accountable conduct and public transparency.

Informed by our Public Transparency Policy, this page outlines what documents, policies, registers and publications we make publicly available and how to access them.

Information available in-person

The following information is available in print at our service centres and libraries. Certain publications may be posted or emailed upon request.

Type Document title
Council business information Register of Planning Permits
Council business information Register of Building Permits, Plans and Documentation (by application, charges apply)
Council business information Register of Interstate and Overseas Travel by Councillors and Staff
Council business information Copy of Planning Permits and Endorsed Plans (by application, charges apply)
Council business information Copies of Building Permits, Plans and Documentation (by application, charges apply)
Council business information Register of Building Permits, Occupancy Permits and Temporary Approvals
Council business information Register of Animal Registrations
Council business information Register of Travel Undertaken by Councillors and Council Staff


Where information is not available online, 2 access options are available:

Proactive release

You may request a document with the relevant Council department. In some cases, the document is available for purchase or inspection under the specific legislation.

For assistance with requests, you can visit our Greensborough customer service centre, call us on 9490 4222 or email at

Freedom of Information (FOI)

A general right of access is established under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Exceptions and exemptions may be necessary for the protection of essential public interests, such as personal information, commercially sensitive or legal information.

Make an FOI application

Information not publicly available

Some information may not be made publicly available.

This happens if information is confidential, if its release would be against public interest or if it does not comply with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

Type Description
Council business information Information that would prejudice the Council's position in commercial negotiations if prematurely released.
Security information Information that is likely to endanger the security of Council property or the safety of any person if released.
Land use planning information Information that is likely to encourage speculation in land values if prematurely released.
Law enforcement information Information which would be reasonably likely to prejudice the investigation into an alleged breach of the law or the fair trial or hearing of any person if released.
Legal privileged information Information to which legal professional privilege or client legal privilege applies.
Personal information Information which would result in the unreasonable disclosure of information about any person or their personal affairs if released.
Private commercial information Information provided by a business, commercial or financial undertaking that relates to trade secrets or that would unreasonably expose the business, commercial or financial undertaking to disadvantage if released.
Confidential meeting information Records of a Council and delegated committee meetings that are closed to the public to consider confidential information.
Internal arbitration information Confidential information relating internal arbitration about an alleged breach of the Councillor Code of Conduct.
Councillor Conduct Panel confidential information Confidential information relating to a Councillor Conduct Panel matter.
Confidential information under the 1989 Act Information that was confidential information for the purposes of section 77 of the Local Government Act 1989

We may decide, in the interest of transparency, to release information to the public even though it is confidential under the Act.

However, this will not happen if its release is contrary to law, in breach of contractual requirements or it is likely to cause harm to any person or is not in the public interest to do so.