Freedom of information requests

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI) provides the community a right to access information (unless deemed as exempt) from the Government of Victoria and other bodies constituted under the law of Victoria.

Check to find out if the document you need is already available to the public.

Freedom of Information Part II Statement

We publish statements about what we do and how we are structured, and list all documents that are either produced by us or in our possession.

The purpose of this Part II Statement(PDF, 184KB) is to:

  • make the community aware of the existence of documents we hold by;
  • provide the community with the information needed to identify specific documents of interest; and
  • provide details of how to apply for access to said documents.



Our Transparency Policy(PDF, 306KB) requires us to:

  • adhere to public transparency principles
  • describe the ways that we make information publicly available
  • specify what information must be publicly available, including policies, plans and reports required by the Act.


Request a document under FOI


If you have questions, please contact our FOI officer on 8673 4396 or