Service highlights: Best Value

Our Best Value Highlights Report provides a snapshot of the performance of Banyule services in line with the objectives of the Council Plan. It supports Council's Annual Report and our commitment to reporting how we apply the 6 Best Value principles.

The Best Value principles in line with the Local Government Act 1989 are:

  • Regular community consultation
  • Responsiveness to community needs
  • Accessible and appropriately targeted services
  • Quality and cost standards for all services
  • Continuous improvement
  • Frequent reporting to the community 

We have started to transition to, and incorporate, new legislative requirements for reporting in our Council Plan, our Budget, our Annual Report and the Community Vision as set in the Local Government Act 2020.

The Best Value Service Highlights report for 2020/2021 is within the Annual Report 2020/2021: Part 1 Report of Operations – 'Our Best Value Performance' section.

Historical reports