A total fire ban has been declared across Banyule and all other parts of Victoria for today. No fires can be lit or be allowed to remain alight in the open air at any time on 22 February 2025.
Understand our service promise to you, how we do things and how long it will take.
How to report corrupt or improper conduct by our employees, officers or contractors.
Ask to access documents we hold under the Freedom of Information Act 1982: application costs, exempt information and how to ask for a review.
Road names help us to navigate to places, and are part of our cultural heritage. Find out how to request a name or rename a place.
We respect your right to privacy. Find out what we collect about you to deliver the services you need.
Learn about our good governance, open and accountable conduct, what information make publicly available and how to access it.
Every year we ask locals to provide feedback on how are we doing to help identify emerging priorities, opportunities and challenges.
At the end of each financial year we report how we've applied the Best Value principles from the Local Government Act. Read the latest highlights report.