Council plans and strategies

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At the end of each financial year we prepare an annual report. Our annual report measures our performance against the objectives outlined in the Council Plan, and is one of the ways we transparently report on what we do and how we stay accountable.

The annual reports listed are the 5 most recently published reports.

To review a historic version of our annual report not listed, email us your annual report request.

The plan delivers on one of Council's Place objectives of the City Plan 2013-2017, providing long-term direction in transport and land use decisions in Banyule, with a vision where Banyule is a city with accessible, sustainable and active communities, with good access to jobs, education, shopping and community opportunities within a safe transport network.

The plan identifies six objectives that reflect the aspirations and principles developed to assist Council achieve an integrated and sustainable transport network, and improve the overall livability of our municipality. These six objectives will be implemented over the 20-year period to achieve the success of the plan.

The Safe Travel Plan has been developed to improve the safety of all modes of travel. We need to manage some of the risks (real and perceived) that people on foot or bicycle face when mixing it with cars and trucks on our roads and streets. This means giving people priority on local streets. It means slowing cars down when they are near where people can walk or ride. It means fewer cars on the road, and less kilometres driven by cars, per head of population. We need to reduce road trauma in Banyule, in particular, reducing the number of serious injuries occurring on our road network. The plan will work alongside 'Towards Zero': the State Government's vision for a future free of deaths and serious injuries on our roads, creating a City where there will be no preventable deaths or serious injuries at all on our roads.

The plan provides a 10-year financially sustainable projection regarding how the actions of our Council Plan may be funded to achieve our Community Vision.

The Financial Plan is developed in the context of the following strategic planning principles.

  • We have an integrated approach to planning, monitoring and performance reporting.
  • Our Council financial plan addresses the Community Vision by funding the aspirations of the Council Plan. The Council Plan aspirations and actions are formulated in the context of the Community Vision.
  • The Financial Plan statements articulate the 10-year financial resources necessary to implement the goals and aspirations of the Council Plan to achieve the Community Vision.
  • Council's strategic planning principles identify and address the risks to effective implementation of the Financial Plan.
  • The Financial Plan provides for the strategic planning principles of progress monitoring of progress and reviews to identify and adapt to changing circumstances.

The Council Plan 2021-2025 is our key strategic document and outlines our priorities and focus till 2025. It aligns with Banyule's Community Vision and demonstrates how we will strive towards that vision, focus our efforts and measure our progress.

While the plan's focus is the immediate 4 years, it looks beyond this to ensure that we are well-positioned to meet the challenges and maximise the opportunities to thrive in the long term. It consolidates on the solid foundations and momentum of previous council plans to deliver new ambitions and enhanced outcomes for the community.

Visit our consultation site Shaping Banyule to find details about 'what you said' over the years to help develop our Council Plan.

View the Council Plan(PDF, 4MB)

This plan outlines key elements involved to sustainably and effectively manage our infrastructure assets. It is a key element of our strategic asset management planning.

The purpose of this plan is to:

  • demonstrate our responsibility to manage infrastructure assets
  • define and how infrastructure assets are managed to achieve our goals and objectives
  • understand the current condition of infrastructure assets and how they may look in 10 years
  • arrange stakeholder consultation to determine appropriate levels of service
  • manage risk of premature asset failures
  • manage assets by optimising lifecycle costs and support long term financial planning
  • meet our obligation to comply with the Local Government Act 2020.

The outcome of this plan will identify future funding requirements for service delivery considering the condition of assets, levels of service to be provided, future demand and risk management.

We must meet the objectives set out in our Council Plan, and as resourced through the Financial Plan. This plan is reviewed annually to reflect changes in our annual actions.

Our commitment to managing resources wisely will be achieved through:

  • providing exceptional customer service
  • delivering best value services and facilities
  • providing responsible financial management and business planning
  • providing good governance and be accountable
  • promoting an engaged and productive organisation
  • managing the systems and assets that support service delivery.

The Banyule Public Toilet Plan sets out a ten year plan to guide the provision of Council owned and managed public toilets across the municipality. This is Council’s first Public Toilet Plan and is the product of a collaborative process with local communities, Council staff and key user groups. The vision for all public toilets in Banyule is 'To ensure there is adequate provision of public toilets within Banyule, that are accessible for all users in areas of high public use, by working in partnership with other stakeholders.'

This Plan is underpinned by five key objectives:

  • work co-operatively with key stakeholders, to ensure that there is a comprehensive and well-connected network of accessible public toilets at key locations in areas of high public activity in Banyule;
  • maintain toilets managed by Council to a standard of cleanliness and hygiene to enhance the health and wellbeing of all public toilet users;
  • ensure that public toilets are accessible to people of all ages and abilities and promote their location to all residents and visitors;
  • advocate for quality and environmentally sustainable design in all public toilet facilities; and
  • improve the amenity and safety of public toilets through appropriate siting and design.

This is our first Community Infrastructure Plan, helping guide our planning and development of community infrastructure over 10 years to 2033.

The plan has a focus on guiding the planning and development of Council owned community infrastructure.

  • Identify planning investment priorities for the next 10 years.
  • Directing resources where they best meet the needs of our growing and changing community.
  • Consistent decision-making across Council in relation to planning, management and funding of community infrastructure.
  • Demand for community infrastructure is fairly and equitably assessed using an evidence-based approach.
  • Maximise use, accessibility and performance of existing infrastructure to meet current and future community needs.
  • Identify collaborative partnerships with government, organisations and the private sector to attract investment in new and existing infrastructure.
  • Work in collaboration with non-Council building owners to coordinate community infrastructure planning.
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