Corporate Emissions Reduction Plan

We declared a climate emergency in October 2019 joining a global movement to ensure safe and sustainable environments for future generations. This means leading by reducing the impact of emissions from our own activities and services, while also supporting the community in positive climate action.

This plan puts into practice our recognition of the emergency context and a commitment to making a positive difference in Banyule and beyond. It sets out the actions our staff will take over the next 4 years, to reduce emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change. Collectively, these will place us on a pathway to carbon neutrality by 2028. We recognise that reaching our carbon neutrality target is both a cultural and technical task. Everyone in Council plays a part. We are taking a collaborative approach, working across our departments, as well as closely with our community and other councils in the region.

This plan sets out 30 actions over 9 priority themes to reach our 2028 zero net emissions target.

Priority themes What are we doing?
Climate action culture We are supporting staff to undertake climate action in their roles, and foster an open-minded, innovative and collaborative culture.
Zero net emissions for buildings We are reducing energy use with best practice, environmentally sustainable design integrated into our capital works, and deliver a building energy efficiency upgrade program
Green fleet We are replacing all fleets with electric vehicles or other zero emission vehicles.
Low carbon lighting We are replacing open space, sports field and street lighting with energy efficient LEDs.
Electric leisure centres We are upgrading pool pumps and filtration systems with efficient systems, trial pool blankets and replace gas fired boilers with heat pumps.
Maximise renewable energy We are pursuing renewable energy generation on our sites and power purchasing agreements.
New priority areas We are identifying actions to reduce emissions from waste, business travel, paper and water use.
Green suppliers We are embedding sustainable procurement in council processes, and support our suppliers to reduce emissions from procured goods and services.
Monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement (MERI) We are developing a MERI framework for staff and community to identify how we are tracking and to identify areas for continual improvement.