Council plans and strategies

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The plan provides a 10-year financially sustainable projection regarding how the actions of our Council Plan may be funded to achieve our Community Vision.

The Financial Plan is developed in the context of the following strategic planning principles.

  • We have an integrated approach to planning, monitoring and performance reporting.
  • Our Council financial plan addresses the Community Vision by funding the aspirations of the Council Plan. The Council Plan aspirations and actions are formulated in the context of the Community Vision.
  • The Financial Plan statements articulate the 10-year financial resources necessary to implement the goals and aspirations of the Council Plan to achieve the Community Vision.
  • Council's strategic planning principles identify and address the risks to effective implementation of the Financial Plan.
  • The Financial Plan provides for the strategic planning principles of progress monitoring of progress and reviews to identify and adapt to changing circumstances.

Council's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Plan outlines our commitment to and appreciation of Banyule's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The Plan outlines how we work in partnership to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Banyule is proud of its diversity and believes that communities are better when all people, regardless of their background or identity are embraced and supported to participate and contribute.

Follow our guide to get your purchase order from us and to prepare your invoices.

The more accurate invoices for supplied goods or services are, the quicker we can pay them.

Purchase orders

You must get a purchase order (PO) from your Council contact for most goods and services to be supplied.

A PO is also used to ensure your accounts are paid on time.

Effective 1 July 2022, if you supply without an official purchase order, your invoice may be returned, and with a request for a purchase order number to be provided.

In these instances, you will need to contact the person who originally placed the order to get the PO details. This may lead to delays in payment.

Payment terms

Our standard payment term is 30 days from the end of the month of purchase, unless otherwise negotiated.

Read out full terms and conditions.

Items that do not require a PO

  • Payments for emergency works where Council’s service delivery or public safety is significantly affected.
  • Payment of grants, donations, contributions or reimbursements.
  • Payments for utilities, for example water, gas and electricity.
  • Statutory payments to other government departments.
  • A once-off purchase of less than $1,000.00, GST inclusive, where the supplier will not be engaged for further works or services in a 12 month period.

Suppliers are welcome to request a purchase order in all instances regardless of exemption status.

Submitting invoices

All invoices must:

  • be made out to Banyule City Council
  • list a valid purchase order (PO) number
  • be issued under a registered name that corresponds to your listed Australian Business Number (ABN) (trading names that are not registered will not be accepted unless they are listed along with the registered name)
  • include the supplier's ABN or a statement by a supplier form (otherwise we are required to withhold an amount equivalent to the top marginal tax rate, currently 47%, and remit that amount to the Australian Tax Office (ATO))
  • include a full description of the goods or services being purchased, including calculation of price, for example hours x hourly rate
  • include an address and/or date and contract number where relevant
  • state the relevant GST
  • include any other information required under the relevant taxation rules set out by the ATO.

Sending us your invoice

The quickest way to get paid is to send us your invoice at

Any invoices submitted via post should be addressed to:

Banyule City Council
Accounts Payable
PO Box 94
Greensborough VIC 3088

All complete invoices will be scanned and registered. This enables the tracking of supplier accounts from the time of receipt through to payment to you.

If invoices are delivered along with goods, or submitted any other way, there is no guarantee that they will reach the accounts payable department. This may cause significant delays in getting paid.

Supplier payments

We prefer to pay all invoices direct to nominated bank accounts via electronic funds transfer (EFT).

If you have not already advised us your bank details, you can do so on company letterhead to

Alternatively, hardcopy requests on letterhead should be addressed to:

Banyule City Council
Accounts Payable
PO Box 94
Greensborough VIC 3088

All requests for changes to bank details will be verified to ensure the information is correct.

When EFT payments are processed, remittance advice will be sent to your email or postal address. It will detail all invoices that have been paid.

If you have not given us your email address, then this advice may be delayed due to the constraints of the postal service.

Supplier enquiries

All enquiries should be discussed with the Accounts Payable team on 9490 4305 or at

This framework expresses our commitment that Banyule is an age-friendly city that supports older adults to live well. It extends our existing commitment to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network of Cities and Age Friendly Cities Framework.

It corresponds with the WHO UN Decade of Healthy Ageing: Plan of Action 2021-2030 that ensures that no older adult is left behind and that 'every human being will have the opportunity to fulfil [their] potential in dignity and equity'.

This framework recognises that our society has and continues to undergo significant change. Over the past several decades we have all benefited from considerable advancements in medical knowledge and technology, availability of health care, improved living conditions and overall better quality of life.

At the end of each financial year we prepare an annual report. Our annual report measures our performance against the objectives outlined in the Council Plan, and is one of the ways we transparently report on what we do and how we stay accountable.

The annual reports listed are the 5 most recently published reports.

To review a historic version of our annual report not listed, email us your annual report request.

This plan outlines key elements involved to sustainably and effectively manage our infrastructure assets. It is a key element of our strategic asset management planning.

The purpose of this plan is to:

  • demonstrate our responsibility to manage infrastructure assets
  • define and how infrastructure assets are managed to achieve our goals and objectives
  • understand the current condition of infrastructure assets and how they may look in 10 years
  • arrange stakeholder consultation to determine appropriate levels of service
  • manage risk of premature asset failures
  • manage assets by optimising lifecycle costs and support long term financial planning
  • meet our obligation to comply with the Local Government Act 2020.

The outcome of this plan will identify future funding requirements for service delivery considering the condition of assets, levels of service to be provided, future demand and risk management.

The Audit and Risk Committee Charter sets out committees objectives, authority, composition, tenure, roles, responsibilities and the reporting of administrative and governance arrangements.

The committee's objective is to provide appropriate independent advice and recommendations to Council on matters relevant to the committee’s charter. This helps Council with decision-making and meeting its accountability requirements.

The committee has no executive authority and no delegated financial responsibilities and is therefore independent of management.

The Banyule Community Vision 2041 project was about listening and collaborating with the community.

More than 1300 people contributed, helping us better understand local issues and priorities to create a long-term vision for Banyule and inform our Council Plan and Long-Term Financial Plan.

As part of the project, a community working group came together to develop and co-author a Banyule Community Vision 2041 statement:

We in Banyule are a thriving, sustainable, inclusive and connected community. We are engaged, we belong, and we value and protect our environment.

We also worked together with a community working group, and together we set out 6 priority themes that outline our community's goals and focus over the next 20 years.

The themes form the backbone of the Banyule Community Vision 2041, which includes our:

  • inclusive and connected community
  • sustainable environment
  • well-built city
  • valued community assets and facilities
  • thriving local economy
  • trusted and responsive leadership.
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