Cartmell Street carpark
The Cartmell street project involves a proposed sale of land to deliver a mixed use development, maintain existing car parking, provide additional public car parking and to deliver the best financial return.
- On 12 April 2021, Council resolved to commence the statutory process giving notice of intention to sell part of the land at 7-11 Cartmell Street, Heidelberg.
- Starting 27 July 2021, public notice of the intention to sell was was given on Council’s website and signage placed on the site. Adjacent property owners and occupiers were also notified by mail.
- Submitters were given 28 days to make submissions and the submission period closed at 5pm on 25 August 2021.
- Submissions were considered at the 20 September Council meeting.
- Council will make a decision on whether to progress with the sale of land at the October 4 Council meeting. See the meeting Agenda.
Project details
The project intends to sell the airspace above the existing carpark to deliver a multi-level residential/mixed use development above the public carpark. It is proposed that a strata title arrangement govern the mixed-use development which would include both a Council owned carpark and privately owned properties.
The Cartmell Street site has been identified as a strategic development location in various strategic documents including: Heidelberg and Bell St Mall Parking Plan (2016), Heidelberg Structure Plan (2010 and the draft currently being revised) and the Banyule Integrated Transport Plan. These documents help set broad planning principles to guide future development outcomes for the site.
Currently, the planning Scheme indicates a preferred height of 13 metres for this site.
The draft Heidelberg Structure Plan indicates a preferred height of 17 meters for Cartmell Street frontage and transitioning up to 26m along Sheffields Lane.
Feedback on the structure plan is open until 19 October 2021.
Have your say on the Structure Plan
The draft Structure Plan also sets out strategies in relation to the site to:
- Ensure that the Cartmell Street car park site delivers a mixed use development that is of a high-quality and sensitive design and will supply additional off-street public car parking, as well as contribute to the amenity of Sheffields Lane.
- Ensure that the Cartmell St car park site provides a north-south pedestrian through-link from Cartmell Street to Burgundy Street to improve connectivity.
The design of the mixed use development for the site will need to have regard to these heights and also take into account recent development in the vicinity of the carpark site. The development outcome must also include:
- New and additional public car parking spaces (approx. 180-200)
- Two electronic vehicle charging points
- Shared vehicle car parking space
- Public end of trip facilities (bicycle parking, lockers, bicycle repair stand, change facilities)
The detailed design and final outcome will be subject to public notification and planning permit approval which will be decided on by Council in a public forum.