Bell Street development

Located at 310 Bell Street, Heidelberg West, the Bell Street development project involves a proposed sale of land to deliver a mixed-use development, associated car parking and provide a new, purpose-built community facility for the area.

The vision for a community facility in this location was identified in the Bell St Urban Design Framework and Masterplan, which desires a facility that:

  • is a visually appealing and welcoming public space
  • is recognisable to the community as their facility
  • creates spaces that are accessible, accommodating, and barrier-free for people of all ages, types, and abilities.

The Postcode 3081 Urban Design Framework 2019 and LaTrobe Joint Community Infrastructure Plan 2016 state the importance of delivering accessible neighbourhood services and infrastructure as residential density gradually increases.

It is now appropriate to advance this vision and potentially deliver a facility for the Heidelberg West community.

Proposed area

Proposes development area for Heidelberg West Bell Street

Development expectations

The community centre would be owned and operated by Council. Council is seeking proposals that best use the land for a mixed-use development that ultimately enhances the urban quality, including safety, accessibility and amenity of the area.

EOI process

The expression of interest (EOI) is a public invitation to all interested parties to participate in the project. Developers must lodge a statement detailing the indicative terms for partnership development, development proposal, approach, capacity, experience and demonstrated leadership in mixed use developments.


The EOI period has closed.

Council may select a shortlist from the developers to the EOI following an evaluation against the evaluation criteria outlined in the EOI document.

All developers wishing to lodge a submission must register to use Council's Procurement Portal.

RFP process

This request for proposal (RFP) is the second part of the selection process to identify developers that can purchase the land and deliver the potential project.

Shortlisted developers may be identified, and invited to submit a complete proposal in response to legal documents and list of conditions prepared by Council as part of an RFP.

It is expected that any eventual developer may be further considered by Council in 2022.

Additional information


The Bell Street Mall Community Consultations and Urban Design Framework (2009) identified the opportunity for a community hub within the Bell St Mall. This was to include meeting rooms, educational facilities, a contemplative space, and potential to host other functions.

The 3081 Community Services Strategy and Facilities Plan (2013) identified the Bell St Mall as a precinct for community and cultural connections, with the possibility of including dedicated community space.

The LaTrobe National Employment and Innovation Cluster - Joint Community Infrastructure Plan (2016) reinforced consideration for a multipurpose community centre as part of future development of Heidelberg West.

We are exploring the creation of this community space to deliver on these visions.

Project history

As early as 2009, the Bell Street Mall Community Consultations and Urban Design Framework (2009) identified the opportunity for a community hub within the Bell St Mall. This was to include meeting rooms, educational facilities, a contemplative space, and potential to host other functions.

In 2021, we undertook feasibility assessments and some early market-sounding processes via a call for expressions of interest. With the timing now appropriate to realise the vision for a community hub, we will potentially appoint a developer to commence this project in 2022.

There are 3 main steps in this process, including:

  • community consultation and engagement
  • Council officer assessments and evaluations
  • Council reporting and formal resolutions.

Parking concerns

The Heidelberg Central and Bell St Mall Parking Plan (2016) identified the Bell St Mall car park was being underused. If the development proceeds, the Mall would remain well provisioned by parking lots on Coomalie Crescent and Oriel Road.

All new parking requirements (for any proposed development) would require assessment against our Planning Scheme requirements.

Project height

The land is located within a Commercial 1 zone (C1), which does not set a mandatory height limit for the development. Any proposal from a developer would be subject to assessment from our planning department.

A good indicator for site potential is the residential development at 294 Bell Street (160m east of the site), where 2 residential towers have received permits to build 11 and 14 storeys.

Local traffic

There will be an impact on traffic during the construction period, as managed through a future construction management plan.

The long term impact on traffic would be subject to traffic assessment via our planning team. We have strict criteria for traffic requirements, and will consider the needs of locals and visitors to the area in its assessment.

Types of housing

We have not placed restrictions upon preferred housing types for the development, and we are open to supporting a variety of options for the area.


Large developments can be disruptive in terms of noise and heavy machinery, however any developer building on the land will be required to submit a construction management plan to us for approval.

This plan would ensure disruptions to locals are considered and minimised where possible.

Have your say

Consultation has commenced with our key partners within the Heidelberg West community.

With regards to Section 114 of the Local Government Act (2020), we will follow our community engagement policies upon publication of a Notice of Intent to Sell the site. This will include:

  • placing a notice on the site
  • writing to adjoining property owners
  • receiving submissions
  • hearing of submissions
  • making a decision and notifying submitters of that decision and the reasons for that decision.

Anybody who wants to make a submission in accordance with our Community Engagement Policy under section 55 of the Act must do so within 28 days of the publication of the Notice.

Send us your submission to:

Chief Executive Officer, Banyule City Council, PO Box 94, Greensborough, 3088

You can also send us a submission