Cultural Diversity Week grants
The aim of the grants are to highlight the importance of multiculturalism, and respect the diversity of migration to Australia from other places around the world.
Applications for events or activities that assist our local community to learn more about our cultural linguistic and religious diversity are considered.
All organisations are welcome to apply, please read the eligibility criteria first.
The grant pool for 2019 was $3000. Grants up to $1000 will be awarded.
Key dates
- grants opening date: March each year
- grants closing date: April
- assessments and decisions: a week after round closes
- acquittal dates: October.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants may apply in more than one category. Applicants auspicing an application may also apply for their own projects.
Organisations must:
- be based in Banyule;
- be incorporated or have appropriate auspice support;
- be a legally constituted not-for-profit entity, or a charity or benevolent trust, or a public company (not-for-profit);
- have an ABN, or be willing to complete a statement by supplier; and
- hold public liability insurance up to $20 million.
Grants be used to fund
The types of activities/events that will be considered are:
- multicultural performances and cultural exhibitions;
- celebrations of cultural/religious days of significance;
- events that promote cultural dialogue and cross-cultural understanding; and
- social sporting activities, Cultural Diversity rounds or inviting a cultural ambassador for your sport to your club.
What Council will not fund
- activities or projects for the sole benefit of staff or volunteers;
- applications seeking retrospective funding;
- projects run solely for private or commercial purposes;
- costs for capital works, salaries or ongoing administrative costs;
- groups with outstanding grant acquittals. All previous grants from Banyule City Council, where the acquittal is due prior to the closing of the current funding round, must be acquitted to a satisfactory standard. Unacquitted, or insufficiently/unsatisfactorily acquitted grants will deem the new application ineligible; or
- more than one application from the same organisation.
To apply:
- read these guidelines and apply only if eligible
- complete an application form online and provide all supporting documentation.
Apply now
Need help? Contact the SmartyGrants help desk directly on 9320 6888.
Assessing applications
Applications are assessed against the following criteria:
- how well the application meets the aim of the grant program;
- how the application intends to increase cultural awareness, education and/or inclusion? (this must be clearly identified);
- who will benefit;
- the number of people who will benefit (either by direct participation or through resources, experiences and knowledge that will be shared by those that participate directly);
- how the event or activity will be delivered; and
- Innovative ideas for events/activities.
Preference may be given to applicants who have not previously received a Cultural Diversity Week Mini.
Successful grant applicants will be required to sign a grant agreement.
To successfully acquit your grant, you will also be required to complete an acquittal that will include:
- the date the activity occurred;
- the number of participants;
- the benefit of the activity/what was learned;
- details of expenditure and appropriate receipts in order to provide proof of expenditure; and
- any photos or promotional material.
Contact us
For more information contact us on phone 9490 4222.