Community grants

This grant funds projects that build on local capacity and help to create connected, accessible and inclusive communities.

Applicants may apply for only 1 category in the 2024–2025 community grants round.

Categories and amounts

  1. Community connections projects: up to $10,000
  2. Minor capital works: up to $10,000
  3. Technology support: up to $5,000
  4. Training and development: up to $5,000
  5. Equipment: over $2,000 up to $10,000

You must read the full guidelines(PDF, 424KB) and speak with a Council officer before submitting your application.

Key dates

  • Applications open on 22 April 2024
  • Applications close at 11.59pm on 31 May 2024
  • Notification of grant outcomes sent within 3 months
  • Acquittal of grants are due within 12 months of the outcome


Who can apply

Be sure to speak with one of our grants officers regarding your proposal before submitting an application.

Community groups and organisations that are:

  • an incorporated association
  • an auspiced not for profit community group
  • a public company limited by guarantee (not-for-profit) or
  • a charity or benevolent trust

Applicants also need to:

  • have a formal structure, including office bearers and a bank account
  • provide support, programs or services to local residents. (Where the applicant is located outside of Banyule, our residents must be the primary group to benefit
  • have been established and operational for a minimum of 12 months
  • provide an ABN or an auspice ABN or be willing to complete a statement by supplier form
  • hold public liability insurance up to $2oM at the time of commencement and throughout the project
  • supply copies of financial statements for the group.

Kindergarten services managed by an early years manager (EYM) must seek permission for the proposed project from that EYM prior to making a grant application.

Who cannot apply

  • Individuals
  • Schools and churches, unless the proposal responds to an identified community need and provides wider community benefit.
  • Groups with outstanding grant acquittals (all previous grants with us, where the acquittal is due before the closing of the current funding round, must be acquitted to a satisfactory standard. Un-acquitted or insufficiently acquitted grants will deem the application ineligible).
  • Groups with outstanding debt to Council.

What we will not fund

  • Equipment that does not remain the property of the applicant.
  • Recurrent operational expenses including costs associated with the usual business of an organisation (for example, salaries, insurance, electricity, rates, telephone, rent).
  • Projects on government/Council owned land, parks and open space unless there is a license agreement in place with the applicant.
  • Requests for gas appliances.
  • Planning and permit expenses e.g. master plans, landscape plans, building permits.
  • Project management or auspicing fees.
  • Requests that are the responsibility of another funding body or level of government.
  • Funding for the core business of educational, religious or medical organisations.
  • Uniforms provided to individuals. Requests for uniforms such as clash jumpers, training vests, netball bibs will be considered provided they remain in the possession of the group/club.
  • Applications seeking retrospective funding.
  • Projects where the applicant has received full funding for the same purpose from another source.
  • Payments to professional grant writers.


Applications must be submitted through SmartyGrants. Register and start a new application: you can save and return to your application at any time.

  • Once submitted, applicants can request to have their application reopened to update or submit further information if the request is made prior to the grant round closing date. Once the grant round closes, no further changes are possible.
  • Ensure all required documentation is attached before submitting your application.
  • When you submit your application, you will receive an application number. Make a note of it for future reference. 
  • Applicants will receive an email from Smarty Grants when the application has been successfully submitted.


Financial details to support applications

  • A current detailed profit and loss statement, audited financial statement or the financial statement presented at your AGM must be provided with the application (bank statements will not be accepted).
  • If savings or term deposits exist, the group must clearly explain what the funds are set aside for.
  • Groups with substantial cash in bank accounts who do not explain what the money is allocated for will be considered a lower priority.
  • The application needs to demonstrate why the proposal cannot be completed with existing funds.


  • Applicants are required to supply quotes in support of their application. The number of quotes required may vary for each category. (Please check the application form.)
  • Quotes can be written, scanned images from catalogues or on-line stores or a screenshot from a website.
  • All quotes need to show the supplier/company name and contact details clearly.
  • All quotes need to be itemised and clearly show details of the cost of each item or service.
  • Quotes should be current (not more than 6 months old).
  • Quotes need to be consistent with the money requested in the budget.
  • Council recommends that any equipment or service purchased with grant funds should meet Australian standards.


  • Unincorporated groups will need the support of an incorporated association to auspice their grant.
  • If your application is going to be auspiced by another organisation, all insurance, incorporation and ABN information of the auspicing group must be provided
  • A letter from the auspice organisation on letterhead stating their support will also be required


Approval of applications are made against these criteria:

  • Value for money
  • Likelihood of success
  • Benefit to our local community

Due to limited funds, not all eligible applications can be funded.


Successful grant applicants will be required to carry out a number of online actions within specified timelines.

Sign a grant agreement

The applicant is signing on behalf of the group/organisation. By doing so, it is agreeing that the application and the conditions associated with the grant being awarded are met. Any proposed changes must be discussed with a Council officer.

Submit an invoice

Send us your invoice in line with the template provided.

Submit an acquittal form

At the completion of the agreed proposal, a completed acquittal form must be submitted.

  • The acquittal is to be submitted online at and must detail how the grant funds were spent.
  • To successfully acquit your grant, you will be required to submit receipts or an invoice showing a zero balance owing, accounting for your expenditure.
  • Receipts must list items purchased, detailing the cost per item, and the total cost. All receipts should reflect the expense approved and match with the grant budget or letter of offer.
  • Unpaid invoices, copies of online orders and bank transfer statements cannot be accepted as proof of purchase.
  • Failure to acquit the grant satisfactorily will be considered a breach, and may result in requests for grant funding to be returned to us and exclude the group from future grant rounds.


The grants process is open and accessible to everyone, including if:

  • you need a printed copy of the guidelines or a printed copy in large print;
  • you need to discuss these guidelines by phone;
  • you need the guidelines in a captioned video format;
  • you need to discuss the guidelines with us using the services of an Auslan interpreter;
  • your hearing or speech is impaired, you can call us through the National Relay Service on 133 677 (TTY) or 1300 555 727 on an ordinary handset and ask for 9490 4222;
  • you need a language interpreter please contact TIS National on 131 450 and ask to be connected to us on 9490 4222; or
  • you need a printed form and support to enter information into SmartyGrants please contact us for assistance.

If you face any barriers to applying and would like to discuss these or any other ways we can help you, please contact us.

Contact us

Contact Karen Molinaro on 9457 9955