Alida McKern

Councillor: Chelsworth ward

You can also contact Cr Alida McKern by post: PO Box 94 Greensborough Victoria 3088.

Note: councillors cannot help you to get a permit, avoid a fine, or fast-track an application.

About me

Hello, I’m Alida McKern, your local Councillor. As a long-term Ivanhoe resident, professional landscape architect, urban planner, and mum, I love our community and I’m passionate about ensuring that it’s a place where everyone thrives. My vision is for a leafy, locally connected, safe and prosperous Banyule: led with competency and care for its community, environment and local businesses. It is a beautiful city protective of its abundant parks, heritage buildings and green streets, where our people feel a sense of pride and belonging.

Caring for community, environment and life

Our community's values are reflected in my priorities for a leafy, locally connected, safe and prosperous Banyule: led with competency and care for its community, environment, and local businesses. While population growth and climate change bring their challenges, we need to protect and enhance the qualities that make Ivanhoe and Banyule such a great place to live. Ours is a beautiful city of abundant parks and leafy neighbourhood character, and our people deserve to feel a sense of pride, belonging and inclusiveness.

Looking forward

My key priorities include: supporting development sympathetic to neighbourhood character, protection and enhancement of our trees, parks, waterways, cycling and walking paths; giving local people a more effective voice on the shape of Banyule's future and local economy, supporting community and sporting clubs, and maintaining a diversity of quality services for residents, all of which needs to be informed by the urgent need for action on climate change to sustain our community and environment into the future.

Councillor Chelsworth ward, Alida McKern