Child, Youth and Family Committee

The Child, Youth and Family Committee focuses on issues facing children and young people and the services available to them. Members collaborate to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Read the full committee terms of reference(PDF, 255KB).


  • Work in partnership with stakeholders, including children, young people, families and professionals to identify local needs and opportunities.
  • Share information, discuss issues, provide advice and identify key initiatives that will help us achieve our goals.
  • Advocate make recommendations where appropriate.
  • Raise the profile of children and young people as active citizens.
  • Collaborate on joint projects aimed at improving outcomes.
  • Contribute to the review of the municipal planning frameworks for children and young people.


The committee consists of:

  • up to 15 community and/or organisational members
  • up to 10 organisational representative
  • up to 8 community representatives
  • Executive Support Officer, Manager Youth and Family Services, Coordinators of Maternal and Child Health, Early Childhood Services and Youth Services.

Representation on the committee will reflect the:

  • diverse range of interests and experience, providing a balance of perspectives
  • community demographics
  • geographic diversity of Banyule.

Our staff are not considered members of the committee, but a specific officer is assigned to the committee to provide executive support and will be the key contact for all members.

Community and organisational members

Committee positions are voluntary and may be held for a 2-year term. Representation will be sought from a recruitment process specified in the terms of reference.

The committee will consist of:

  • up to 8 residents who meet the selection criteria
  • up to 10 representatives from community organisations, agencies and service providers who meet the selection criteria.

Current community committee members will be involved in recruitment and selection of organisational appointments.


For more information, contact Sherryn Prinzi at