Ivanhoe Recreation Reserve pavilion

Ivanhoe Recreation Pavilion future location.

What we are seeking

We seek a $2.2 million investment from the Victorian Government to upgrade and consolidate the pavilion at the Ivanhoe Bowling Club and Ivanhoe Tennis Club in Ivanhoe Recreation Reserve.

What it will deliver

This is an opportunity to create one shared-use, accessible facility that supports bowls and tennis, and meet state sporting guidelines. The proposal aligns strongly with our Banyule Community Infrastructure Plan because it promotes shared and flexible use of facilities.

The proposed facility will be an accessible place for formal sport, social and family gatherings and community events.

What you can do

To help us deliver this priority, you can write to our Lower House Member of Parliament for this electorate or any of our Upper House Members of Parliament for their commitment to deliver funding for this project.


The current facilities were built 60 years ago and have been added to over time, including the rudimentary tennis club rooms in 1991.

A review of the rooms indicate that they do not meet current sport and leisure facility standards, including universal design principles, female-friendly design and Disability Discrimination Act requirements.

The ageing buildings present major access barriers to participation for females and persons with a disability.

The upgrade and consolidation of the pavilion will serve the Ivanhoe Bowling Club and Ivanhoe Tennis Club. The building will meet current standards and have more accessible toilet facilities and female change rooms. There will be improvements to overall accessibility and functionality.

There is also the potential to expand the tennis program by developing hotshot and pickleball courts. The proposed replacement of the fence and retaining wall around the tennis courts would enable book-a-court activities.

Why now?
Ivanhoe’s population will increase 40% over the next 18 years. Existing open spaces and sport facilities must increase capacity to meet future demand. Both clubs have strong and growing memberships. Peak sporting bodies, along with state and regional plans, support additional and improved sports fields and facilities to cater for the increasing growth.


Ivanhoe Bowls Club, 1-11 John Street, Ivanhoe 3079  View Map