Councillors and Council meetings Meetings schedule and minutes, meet our councillors, wards and elections.
Careers Join our team for a career in local government. Positions vacant, our recruitment process, and work experience for students.
Rates Your rates help fund local government services and infrastructure. How to pay rates or apply for a concession.
Grants programs We run various annual grant programs to help local groups, individuals and businesses afford projects that will make our community a better place to live.
Local laws We have 2 local laws: one that governs how our Council meets, and a second that protects public health, safety, or amenity in our municipality.
Community advisory committees Be a voice for your community and shape matters most important to you. Register your interest to join a Banyule advisory committee, working group or become a champion.
Banyule facts and statistics We use local information and data to design and deliver services that meet the changing needs of our community.
Major projects Learn about major projects in the area including the North East Link, Bellfield Masterplan and the extensive projects in Bellfield and West Heidelberg.
Community consultation Together we are Shaping Banyule. We involve people in our projects and activities to make sure local knowledge shapes our work. Have your say on current consultations.
Banyule Banner Keep up to date with what is happening in Banyule by viewing the latest edition of the Banyule Banner. Hear from the mayor and councillors, plus learn about new projects, events in your local area and what you can get involved in.
Selling us goods and services Want to sell us goods and services? Learn what to do with tenders, purchase orders and invoices so your account is paid on time.
Land manager consent for public property works Use this form to get our consent if your group wants to work on public land or our land and buildings.
Paying your account Find out about the options to pay for your kinder, home care services, room bookings and debtor services.
Volunteering Check out our volunteering opportunities. We have roles that suit a variety of interests and time commitments. Join us in helping our community.
Helping improve the sector What are we doing to improve different sectors in our Local Government Authority
Fines and infringements We issue infringement notices for a number of offences under various legislation. Find out what actions you can take to deal with your fine.